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1984 and the New Ministry of Truth
Published 2 years ago
In 1949 George Orwell authored and published a dystopian novel called, "1984." It accurately predicted today's dystopian world and was off only by 36 years. It might as well been titled, "2020" as it was in that year the "Deep State" (Big Brother) went all in to strip us of our 1st Amendment rights.

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Bitchute: Food Shortages?

Biden is touting food shortages because of the Ukraine/Russia conflict. In 2021 his Department of Agriculture ordered farmers to plow under their crops. He also ordered crude oil to be literally dumped to raise oil prices. The supply chain issues are part of the Biden Administrations policy. The enemy is at the gate!

Bitchute: Your 1st Amendments rights: Freedom of Speech and much more.

Our First Amendment Rights are under assault. The Fifth Column (Freedom of Press) has been captured. Our Government has been infiltrated by traitors (both foreign and domestic) intent to bring down America and strip us of all our freedoms. Since when in America can we no longer question anything told to us by government or the media?

Bitchute: The "Great" Lie.

Anyone who says anything against the media narrative is being censored and told they are promoting "misinformation" when in reality the mainstream media is being paid by the government to lie to all of us to control a false narrative that they want pushed. It's called propaganda and thanks to our corrupt politicians it is now legal. We no longer have a free Press.

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Bitchute: History of Lies

The Act of 1871 changed America from a Sovereign Republic into a Foreign owned Corporation. Ever since then two Constitutions have been in effect. The original one enacted in 1787 and the 2nd one enacted in 1871. Which one will prevail?
1984george orwellministry of truth

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