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Reptilian Shapeshifter Compilation - Our Alien Rulers
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Published 2 years ago
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Original Description:
We are being controlled by an alien race, a highly-advanced draconian species that's able to shapeshift and polymorph into almost any form. They've used this ability to take forms that look like human bodies in order to become our rulers, where they hold all the positions of control and influence over human society. We are living in a false world, a system of control they've created to imitate a human civilization. All of our leaders are them, everyone you see in the media, and they are also among us in the general population, all around us in our daily lives. They have always been here, hiding in plain sight, right in front of us at all times. This is the Matrix. You can choose to not believe it, but this is the reality we are living in.
Humans do not originate from this planet. These draconians (and perhaps other non-human groups) took our ancestors from their homeworlds elsewhere in the galaxy and brought them here to serve as slaves/thralls. This first took place a very long time ago, at least tens of thousand of years, and since then, humans have existed as thralls in this alien empire, on this planet and probably others as well.
They have the human population deep under mind control, in a trance-like, semi-conscious state where the scope of thought and perception is limited to what the programming allows. We live in an artificially-maintained world under the control of these aliens, yet very few people have any awareness of this, even though the evidence is overwhelming at this point. They can only see the illusion put forward by the establishment, while they remain blind, deaf and dumb to reality. The slave who believes he's free will never escape captivity. That's how they've gotten away with this for so long, by hiding behind the pretense of a free human world.
This video is a compilation of photos and videos which conclusively proves the existence of these draconian shapeshifters, as well as their advanced technology and craft. In fact, all of the technology that we have today was originally developed by them, not by humans. They've been handing down their antiquated technology to us, but as you'll see, it's still far below the level of technology that they use themselves ("anti-gravity", non-physical force/heat generation, teleportation, holograms, refractive cloaking, nanotechnology).
The dracs who are showing us these things are trying to get us to wake up to reality. They've gone against their own establishment to give humanity the opportunity to be free. They've done their part. The only question is - are humans strong enough to wake up from the illusion, and then organize and act against their masters? Can we reclaim our freedom and independence, or will we forever be mind-controlled livestock? Can we take back control of our own minds and become a sentient race once again?"

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Reptilians Shapeshifters Compilations - FrequencyFence