Back to the Book of Acts Part 45 Facing the Emissaries of Satan
72 views • 08/17/2022

Chapter 24 begins with Governor Felix, who was a thief, murderer, adulterer and morally corrupt and presided as the judge during Paul’s trial. The Jewish leadership had hired a big legal gun but Paul was not intimidated and gave a practical lesson on how to face a hostile court.

Under the Holy Spirit’s guidance, Paul deflected the accusations from the Jews and intrigued Felix about the Gospel message so much that he met with him repeatedly. Pastor John closes the message by asking, "If you are arrested for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"

Sermon Outline:

Back to the Book of Acts (BBA)

Part 45: Facing the Emissaries of Satan

RLJ-1185 -- MAY 10, 2009

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