Back to the Book of Acts Part 44 Recovering from a Great Sin
18 views • 08/15/2022

Pastor John briefly speaks about a chilling report released by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security this week that shows how the Beast of Revelation chapter 13 has started his attack on the Church. Then he moves into the sermon and shows how Paul moved back to the Gospel of Jesus Christ after compromising with the traditions of Judaism.

God forgave him but the consequences cost him three years in prison. Nevertheless, Paul persevered because he understood there would be a time of good reaping if he didn’t faint during the harsh times. In closing, Pastor John speaks about the coming persecution and how Christians will be imprisoned, tortured and killed.

However, we are not left stranded as the Holy Spirit will guide us through these turbulent times until we go to be with Jesus on the other side of eternity. This sermon will help you get ready for a period known as “The Great Tribulation.” It’s not a question of IF but WHEN it will come. Are you ready?

Sermon Outline:


Back to the Book of Acts (BBA) Part 44: Recovering from a Great Sin

RLJ-1182 -- APRIL 19, 2009

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