Stop Living in the Past Lack of Vision
14 views • 12 months ago

The Bible states that people perish without a vision so it is important to pursue God’s vision for your life. God gave Moses the vision of removing the children of Israel from Egypt and bringing them into the Promised Land but it was up to Moses to accept and carry it out.

It is hard to maintain the vision when things don’t line up and your faith is challenged. The Israelite's became cry babies and had so much unbelief that God refused to let them enter the Promised Land and instead sentenced them to wander in the wilderness for the next 40 years. Pastor John stresses that you must find God's vision for your life and maintain it if you want to be blessed and have a great impact here on this earth. This message will cut deep into your soul and force you to examine yourself.

Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1231 -- MARCH 28, 2010

Stop Living in the Past Part 3: Lack of Vision

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