TRUMP ASSASSINATION Attempt. Let It Happen On Purpose? Who has the Nuc!ear-Football? Who Are The Bad Actors? Joseph P. Farrell. PART 1
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TRUMP 2024! "I could stop wars with just a telephone call." ~ Donald J. Trump

FULL PRESENTATION: Dark Journalist July 26th, 2024. Season of Assassination, Dark Journalist & Dr. Joseph Farrell.

Did They Let It Happen On Purpose? LiHOP? Does it follow pattern of JFK assassination? Best Analysis. Nuc!ear Football? Recent Assassinations TARGETING Moderate-Globalists or No-Globalists? (Trump, Putin, Abe..) Avatar Presidency? Government by Hidden Committee? DOJ Honeycombed with Deep State Bad-Actors? Narrative Rollout Problems? Another War Setup? Iranians as Cuba Setup? Deep State Re-branding? Continuity of Government (COG)?

"In every case [Trump, JFK, RFK, Lincoln, McKinley Assassinations]... within a matter of hours, at best a day or two ...there has been a solid scaffolding of a narrative emerge. That is NOT the case here. The narrative keeps shifting. And it's MAJOR points of the narrative... This is what convinces me that this was an actual [REAL] attempt that failed...[It is because] the original narrative cannot be rolled out in its original form." ~ Joseph P. Farrell

BIO (Short)

"Joseph P. Farrell Ph.D. at has a Ph.D. in patristics from the University of Oxford and is the author of 20+ books. Farrell is incredibly well researched, providing a wealth of historical references. He specializes in connecting history, finance, physics and controversial alternative history - the backstory."

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Also See:

JFK Coup-Assassination Inside Story. American Putsch in 1963. Deep State Cover Up. Joseph P. Farrell

ALLEN DULLES. DEEP STATE History. America's Secret Government.

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