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3 Signs of Communist Infiltration! Avoid Like the Plague
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NJT Report
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Published 9 months ago

This is what communism looks like. Be prepared for it and stop complying. It's the only way. Here's the 3 Major Signs of Communist Infiltration! Avoid Like the Plague
00:00 Which countries...HOW TO TELL
01:38 Hello, I'm a communist
03:48 Number 1, sign of infiltration
05:40 Venezuela example of dictatorship rule
06:37 East Palestine toxic chemical spill
08:30 How they took over Venezuela
11:51 Number 2 sign of a countries infiltration
13:10 They use stealth to get people to obey
14:04 Mandates vs. freedom of choice
16:07 Number 3 sign if a country infiltrated by communism
20:08 Mexico infiltrated?
22:15 RECAP --the 3 signs of communist infiltration

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