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What is Dianetics?
Published 2 years ago

L. Ron Hubbard discovered the single source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets, insecurities and psychosomatic illness—the reactive mind.

The mind is made up of two parts—the analytical mind and the reactive mind.

The analytical mind is the rational, conscious, aware mind which thinks, observes data, remembers it and resolves problems.

The reactive mind is the portion of a person’s mind which works on a totally stimulus-response basis. It is not under volitional control, and exerts force and the power of command over awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions.

In the book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health L. Ron Hubbard described the reactive mind in detail and laid out a simple, practical, easily taught technology to overcome it and reach the state of Clear. Dianetics is that technology.

The word Dianetics is derived from the Greek dia, meaning “through,” and nous, “mind or soul.” Dianetics is further defined as “what the soul is doing to the body.” When the mind adversely affects the body, it is described as a psychosomatic condition. Psycho refers to “mind or soul” and somatic refers to “body.”

Thus, psychosomatic illnesses are physical illnesses caused by the soul. Buy and Read Dianetics.

Discover the reactive mind and how you can get rid of it.

Millions have experienced the life-changing results of Dianetics. You can too. Buy it now!

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