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Leaked FBI memo to "rationalize" attacks against ANY of us!
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The Criminal Times
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Published a year ago (America First Ep. 1117)

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  • RTCs, or, 'Radical Traditional Catholics' are the next 'big bad' up to bat against the federal gov't (according to the federal gov't). Ethnic nationalist or not, one denomination of Christianity or nondenominational, the regime will find a way to rid themselves of YOU. 
  • This particular video is a response in regard to 'civic nationalism':

"They're a part of America and we could say they're distinct and we can say that they form a sub-nation, and they really are, they're a nation within America... We all know that. Would you say then that 'America with 80 sum % White and 13 % black', that's not really an ethnic state. That's not an ethnic-nation, but yet that is America. The same is true with these minorities in the Southwest or in California. You have a lot of Asians and Hispanics that have been in Texas, in the America southwest for hundreds of years."

"That's true of Russia, China, that's true of any powerful, large country like America."


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