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ELOHIYM Created Man is HIS REPRESENTATIVE FIGURE -Especially an IDOL,, The TRUTH is OUT ..Insects
Published 2 years ago
When the pit opens and the demon locusts are chasing people.... Trust Jesus. Don't run. Just look up and call upon Jesus. Perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18). If you are truly born again, these demon locusts can not sting you (Revelation 9:4). Trust Jesus. Just look up, and don't run. "The only way you will be able to stand, is if you know the Truth, and you have been converted" said Jonathan Kleck. "If you have been sealed (with the Holy Spirit), here is a chance to show your faith. Jesus said when I come, how many will I find that have real faith?" (Luke 18:8)
Pay attention in this video especially from about the 42:20 minute mark.
video by Jonathan Kleck
All glory to Holy Lord Jesus Christ
Learn how to become born again:

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