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Flashback: NBC Reports Voting Machines ARE Vulnerable to Hackers
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Published 3 years ago
BEFORE THEY CHANGED THEIR NARRATIVE - NBC News mentions 10-months before the 2020 election that ES&S is using 14,000 modems to connect voting machines to the internet in 14 states, including battleground states. SOME of those systems are STILL ONLINE! Says voting machines are vulnerable to hackers

Featuring a "top computer scientist" explaining to you "once a hacker starts talking to the voting machine through the modem they can hack the software in the voting machine and make it cheat in future elections."

Followed by a "cyber security expert" explaining how he warned election officials in August of 2019 that their voting machines were online, but they still hadn't taken them offline in January of 2020.

Don't worry ES&S is only using 14,000 modems. I'm sure no one hacked into any of them during the 2020 election. How would they know? It's not like NBC News ran a special on it...
nbcvoting machinesvulnerable to hackersmodems

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