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Glenn Beck Raises More Than $20M In 3 Days To Rescue Christians From Afghanistan
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Published 3 years ago
Glenn Beck’s Nazarene Fund Raises More Than $20M In 3 Days To Rescue Christians From Afghanistan

A fund started by radio host Glenn Beck raised more than $20 million in less than three days to help evacuate Christians from Afghanistan.

The Nazarene Fund is gearing up to extract approximately 5,000 people, mostly women and children, from Afghanistan as the country descends into chaos and the Taliban take over, according to The Blaze.

According to their website, The Nazarene Fund exists “to liberate the captive, to free the enslaved, and to rescue, rebuild and restore the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious and ethnic minorities wherever and whenever they are in need.”

“I’m BLOWN AWAY by what this audience has done to help rescue persecuted Christians in Afghanistan! OVER $20 MILLION raised in less than 3 days! THANK YOU!” Beck tweeted Friday.

“I’m truly afraid we’re going to lose a lot of our staff, because this is so dangerous,” Beck said during a podcast Friday. “So dangerous. But I will tell you this: we will get those people out. We will get those people out.”
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Afghanistan Evacuation Crisis