Inter-Dimensional Command Structure. The Elohim. 3 min InfoTalk. Psalm 82. Michael Heiser
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Psalm 82.  Inter-Dimensional Command Structure. The Elohim. The Watchers.  Gesara / Nesara.     Psalm 82. 3 min InfoTalk. Michael Heiser

Clarification on The Most High God and The Elohim (Divine Council of Beings = Pantheon). Heavenly Inter-Dimensional Command Structure. Continuity of Government (COG).   Jesus Set Above the Angels, Divine Council of Beings/Pantheon(s).

Michael Heiser:

ALSO SEE: Satan and Eden: with Dr. Michael Heiser.

ALSO SEE: Enoch, The Watchers & The Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ.

Christ Messiah solves three problems: 1.) Estrangement from God 2.) Restoring Peace to the Nations 3.) Reverses Gen 6 Self-destructive Element.

"...If those are the three problems, when the Messiah comes, the Messiah is not here just to cure the ill of Genesis 3, [that is] to heal our estrangement from God and give us resurrection life to conquer death. Those are big deals obviously. But the Messiah is also supposed to take care of the other two problems. Bring back the nations (Babel)...[and] reversing the widespread self-destructive depravity that resulted from Genesis 6." ~ Michael S. Heiser, 22:30 minutes.

Michael Heiser Biography

Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. "Biblical scholar and Hebrew language expert Michael S. Heiser, Ph.D. is the academic head of Logos Bible Software and Scholar-in-Residence at Faithlife. Heiser is the author of several books including: The Book Of Enoch, The Watchers and The Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ. There is a big theme in new testament theology, the reversal of the wickedness that has permeated the human race...Reversing Hermon alludes to the notion, hidden in plain site in a surprising number of new testament passages that what happened in Genesis 6:1-4 had to be reversed as part of restoring the original Edenic vision." ~ Michael S. Heiser

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