Dave Hodges & Bob Griswold (7/2/2020): Every Man for Themselves Will Soon Be the Order of the Day! America is Teetering On Collapse!!
12102 views • 07/03/2020
[NOT ON DH's YT] From Dave Hodges (7/2/2020): "All hands on deck! The great empire known as the United States is no more [Ed. America is Babylon]. Even Angela Merkel recently stated that very soon, America will no longer be a world power. Today in America, half of working age adults are unemployed!

I recently interviewed Bob Griswold and his grim assessment of where America is at, shocked me to my core! However, I cannot find any flaws in his logic. America is quickly descending past the rule of law and directly into the depth of lawless anarchy. We now live in a country where it is a crime to workout in a gym, in many states, but looting, rioting, all types of mayhem, including murder, are perfectly legal. Bob Griswold's stunning thoughts..."

Source: https://thecommonsenseshow.com/about-activism-agenda-21/every-man-themselves-will-soon-be-order-day-america-teetering-collapse-bob-griswold-and-dave-hodges

------------ CHRISTIANS: Be sure you are saved and not just think you are ("Sinner's prayers" are not in the Bible).

Christians ought to download and prove this out while there is still time (prove it wrong if you can):

"The Dark/Light Series" (PDF) (1Cor 13:12) — A Guide to Authentic Salvation:


Prove all things; hold fast that which is good. (1Thess 5:21)
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