Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr Bryan Ardis on Covid Revealed - Global Attack on Humanity
285 views • 12/28/2021
Dr. Lee Merritt & Dr Bryan Ardis on Covid Revealed - Global Attack on Humanity

Dr. Merritt has some interesting insight into what “they” may be planning in the near future for us [you]. If there’s existing data that already proves that other alternative health protocols for C0VID work, then why are they fighting so hard to keep everything the same? Dr. Merritt’s speculation about what’s unfolding is very telling… and a bit unsettling: Dr. Lee Merritt isn’t kidding when she says “they” are planning something BIG in the near future for everyone…
… And it’s NOT good.
We bring back Dr. Bryan Ardis.
Very short, simple, and to the point, you get firsthand recommendations on how to prevent you from getting C0VID. Plus, he reveals how the government knew before the vaccines ever came out that they create over 110 diseases! And they had the audacity to call them safe and effective. Do you know how to identify a company's motives quickly? Just follow the money.

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