A Healthier Tomorrow Starts With You
38 views • 12 months ago

Dr. Andrew Kaufman

Jan 2, 2024

We’re off to a brand new year! And I wish you all much growth, development, joy, and most of all — health!

So I selected a section of a video I made with AJ Roberts that contains pretty much everything you need to know to achieve your health goals this year! 💪

In the video, I entertain questions such as…

…”What exactly is healthy food?”…

…”Do we really need supplements to optimize our health?”…

…”What things should we avoid to prevent dis-ease?”…

With this knowledge at hand, you’ll be able to live life to the fullest and say goodbye to the corrupted pharmaceutical industry that is trying to keep you dependent! 🙌

(Psssst…they DON’T want you to see this video, so help me beat the algorithm by sharing it with as many people as possible!)

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