Why did the FDA LIE About NICOTINE in 1994? Pyrazines, the tobacco ADDITIVE is the addictive part in cigs. NWO-OverLord Connection. Dr. Bryan Ardis
2954 views • 11 months ago

The history of PYRAZINE additives that make tobacco products ADDICTIVE.  Why did the 'over-lords' (top-level-lizards) do this?

Who benefits?  "In April of 1994 our [U.S.] congress asked all of the top 7 [seven] CEO's of the largest tobacco companies to come in and swear under oath that...nicotine is either addictive or NOT addictive. All seven of them said nicotine is NOT addictive....Then the FDA, 3 months later, in august of 1994, declares that nicotine IS addictive...WHY did they [the FDA] LIE? ...." ~ Dr. Bryan Ardis

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Note: We do not recommend smoking, as the pyrazine ADDITIVES are addictive. Also the arsenic additives are toxic. Also the sugar additives feed cancer. Nicotine is a naturally occurring, beneficial nutrient in tomato, potato, eggplant and many other vegetables.

FULL SHOW The Shocking Truth About Nicotine and Its Bizarre NWO Connection w/ Dr. Ardis

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