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BOMBSHELL: New Investigation Finds 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses May Have Been a Placebo
Published a year ago

#疫苗灾难:20230701 爆炸性消息:为了掩盖大量的副作用,让公众安安静静的继续接种,给其中一部分人使用安慰剂。辉瑞疫苗1/3是 #安慰剂,而且这一批没有测试,他们知道这是生理盐水,测试浪费时间!(中英双语机器字幕)上

BOMBSHELL: New Investigation Finds 1-in-3 Pfizer Vaccine Doses May Have Been a Placebo

"They were experimenting on people. There's no other way to slice it. The only other thing that's possible is that they were covering up for the massive number of side effects...And the only way to mitigate it, to keep the public calm and to keep taking our injection, is to give a chunk of them a placebo."

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