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Dr Jennifer Daniels - Who Needs FEMA Camps When People Are Voluntarily Signing Up to Be Killed By the Medical System? on OneRadioNetwork with Patrick Timpone (05.23.16)
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Published 2 years ago
Show Highlights:

-Who needs FEMA camps when you have a medical system in place that is already incarcerating and killing Americans. And the victims are willing participants; Dr. Daniels shares this incredible revelation and explains her views
-Question from a listener:Dr. In a prior broadcast you had mentioned applying turpentine to the area of question and then alternate hot and cold packs.My question is… how long do you apply each hot and cold pack and many times a day does one do this and for how many days..?
-Finding the best castor oil
-Question from a listener:Can the liquid vitamin c for the anti-wrinkle facial treatment in your Do You Have the Guts to be Beautiful? book be made from ascorbic acid crystals and water and if so, what is the proportion of vitamin c crystals to water?
-A listener asks about the product called Cansema developed by Greg Caton; Dr. Daniels has used the product and has good information to share about it
-Question from a listener: My husband is a diabetic is it curable. What can he do about it? Are root vegetables, like casava, good for him? Dr. Daniels talks type 2 diabetes and emphasizes that this is a totally curable disease which takes commitment
-Question from a listener: I am a massage therapist and my hands are sore and achy after giving one or two therapeutic massages.These are always on men and I need to use as firm and strong a pressure as possible. Does she have any suggestions?
-Question from a listener:I have a friend who says her doc said she can never get off her high blood pressure meds because it’s for her kidneys, not her heart.Can you explain this for me and is it true that a person taking blood pressure medications for kidneys can never get off them?
-Question from a listener:I’m preparing to start taking turpentine 2 x a week. I’ve heard you say to take it with sugar, and at other times with castor oil. Can you please clarify why one would choose one way over the other?
-Dr. Daniels shares her thoughts and knowledge on GcMAF
-What causes shingles?
-Using a neti pot for sinuses
-A listener calls in who was stung by a wasp yesterday; he asks for ideas from Dr. Daniels
-Questions from a listener:I’m wondering if there are any issues with taking turpentine internally for someone with a stomach ulcer or interstitial cystitis – will the turpentine cause any burning pain?Also, I recently heard of several people ingesting frozen castor oil capsules for parasites – do you have any experience with this?
-Taking turpentine to dissolve cysts
-The downside of eating lean meats
-The Affordable Care Act scam and what happens to your medical freedom once you have become a participant
-The fastest way to get the gut back in order after an intense round of antibiotics
-A listeners’ mother haspolymyalgia rheumatica. What is it and how can it be handled?
-Why do so many people have joint problems?
-Ideas to gently flush the gallbladder instead of harsh detoxing methods
-How could a fecal implant be good for the body?
and so much more! We had a lot of questions sent in for today’s show. Over half of them are not listed in this summary. This is a really good show. Pass it on to all your friends.

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