Il tallone di Achille del nuovo ordine mondiale (la nostra Terra piana a livello)
374 views • 04/16/2023

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[support the work of neohumaneve] This video is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. You are free to share and redistribute the video in its original form and with proper attribution to neoHUMANeve (including copying and pasting all the text in this description and including a direct link to the original video). Please keep the video title exactly the same as the original and add "by neoHUMANeve" in brackets at the end of the title to make it clear that the video is by my channel. However, any commercial use or modification of the video is not allowed without the prior written permission of the creator. For permission requests, please contact me at [email protected]. Failure to provide proper attribution may result in a violation of the license terms.

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