The Rock Almighty Saturday On The Rocks With Holy Soldier
US Sports Radio
8 views • 9 months ago

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We have no time on this Earth for meaningless pride. Let's keep our minds focused on Jesus, love one another in TRUTH and interact with our brothers and sisters the way Christ would interact with us. We can all fall victim to pride. It all depends on what direction our minds are going.

Let's Rock!

Video credit:

A Picture of Growth

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Taking time to meditate on God's Word slowly transforms how we think, act, and respond to those around us.

Psalms 1:1-3

Taking on something new is always a challenge. Whether you want to learn to play a musical instrument, bake intricate and delicious pastries, or shape wood into a bowl or cup, there’s a lot of new terminology and tools to master. Let’s consider photography in greater detail for a moment. Not only do you have to understand all the features on a camera; you also must consider things like lighting, backgrounds, and composition if you want to capture a beautiful image.

Music video credit:

Holy Soldier Live (1992 Last Train Tour)

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Christ-centered Rock 'n' Roll for your soul

The Rock Almighty Shaker Of Heaven And Earth

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