Hidden His-Story of Man & Deep State: Act 13 - The Sin War Part 3
252 views • 12/07/2022

Act 13 - The Sin War Part 3

The Culture War: Grooming, Trans Agenda, Satanism in Schools, They Want Your Children. But that isn’t all of it. They want you to Sin.

You now know that Nephilim mutants (Part fallen angel part human) demons (The Synagogue of Satan that Christ called a Generation of Vipers) descended from the Giants and Fallen Angels (Collectively: The Satan/Adversary) of Genesis 6.

You know about the Seed War between them and humanity (Genesis 3:15, Seed of the Serpent v Seed of the woman)

They hate you, They sacrifice and eat Christian babies for holidays. They've been evicted from hundreds of nations by the courts/governments for doing so. They feed us our own children as flavor enhancers like Senomyx and liquidate the vaccine victims and spray them on our food crops. They run the child-trafficking, porn, Hollyweird, Children's entertainment, Music, Political industries as well as the deep state itself through the secret society Satanic covens, disproportionately represented in the halls of power as tyrants, where recently they were guests.

People refuse to believe. So now we are going to show you what they do to the goyim when they have power. Prepare to never eat again and cry until you’re dry.

You've been warned…

The War of Gog and Magog is upon us.

(Some hints as to what those words mean... a secret enemy coming up from within.)

*Graphic, Horrifying Evil, Not For The Weak*

*SOME foul language/Graphic Content in this series*



Youtuber: Nick Jones


The X Files

Christopher Walken - The Lion Speech.



Dave Chapelle Show


Out of Shadows


Reclaim Media: Documentary: Groomed


End Times Productions

Dr Thomas Horn

France24 News


Define Better - ChillEB

Citizens For Sanity

Disclosure Hub

Justin - Christian Truthers

Tom Macdonald

Christian Truthers

Sleepy Joe Sleep Aid

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