Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor Jeanette Archer Testifies about the Royal Family
295 views • 11/05/2022

Jeanette Archer is a survivor of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). She has been exposing the Royal Family's alleged involvement in her SRA. I cannot verify her personal experiences, however, I can say conclusively that the types of things she has described do happen based on various occult crime evidence. See Russ Dizdar's Occult Crime Investigator's information regarding this. I also highly recommend his organization for those seeking to escape Satanism.

Jeanette talks about seeing Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip shape shift. I know this seems far out, but when someone is under extreme torture they could hallucinate or perhaps the demons in the spirit world can show them things that only exist in the spirit world. I don't think this makes her story untrue. If anything, it shows she is telling all she knows, because if she was lying she'd make it more believable. So, I don't discount her for this. She did not get these ideas from David Icke. In fact, she denounces David Icke along with Russell Brand and Charlie Ward. All of these same people I have also realized are not in alignment with the truth. David Icke has attacked the Bible and is not a believer, at least not of the Scriptures. Russell Brand is pretty much a New Ager and I just can't forget his flashing his former wife Katy Perry an "Obey" sign. Charlie Ward is a Qanon quack, always spouting off outrageous lies. Jeanette has denounced all of these men.

I feel Jeanette needs to be heard and given the benefit of a doubt. I urge you to pray for her salvation and also that she be kept safe from those who seek to exploit her. I did not get a good feeling about one man in her organization that wore a shirt that said, "Hoax" who was interviewing her, and he also did that downward triangle flash sign with his hands (the type Trump does). I hope her message gets out and that she's kept safe and that she comes to the savior Jesus Christ. She does speak of God. Many of these victims are quite confused about God at first so please give her the benefit of a doubt and keep her in prayer. Here is Jeanett's Facebook page:

There have been several attacks on line about her and it does say she was arrested at one time. When looking into this I think it was just an attempt to stop her from speaking out. If she were not persecuted by the enemy I would have my doubts about her. As always use your God given discernment.

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