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Back to the Book of Acts Part 47 A Testimony and a Sermon
Published 2 years ago

Chapter 26 of the Book of Acts is a good place for Christians to learn about witnessing in front of a hostile crowd. The Apostle Paul faced a heathen group of dignitaries, gave a fantastic testimony and preached that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Every Christian would do well to study this chapter and let it be the foundation for witnessing to the unsaved. The Holy Spirit empowered Paul to hold the attention of his audience and can do the same for the people around you.

God has earmarked you to reach specific people with the Gospel. But what if you don’t? This sermon will cut through all the excuses and inspire you to be a flaming witness for Jesus.

Sermon Outline:

RLJ-1187 -- MAY 24, 2009

Back to the Book of Acts (BBA)
Part 47: A Testimony and a Sermon

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