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Published 3 years ago
when we know God/Jesus we will realise our love for God gets to the point where it is all about God and not about us. In other words the devil cannot do anything that will cause us to deny faith in God. Notice Daniel was thrown in the lions den for not following the law.

Many are not aware of the cost of following Christ and this is why pre tribulation rapture is soo population because it pleases the flesh and gives a false sense of security. Jesus never spoke of pre tribulation rapture; in fact most people will find because they are or were trying to avoid suffering tribulation for their faith by being menpleasers; they will now face great tribulation, where our ability to buy, sell, travel, work, study, access healthcare and study will continue to sift peoples faith until the devil gets to where he wants to. Arresting and killing all who believe in Jesus. The devil has joined the church and has arranged a form of godliness that will help him easily get his one world religion. His time for conquering and exposing his true nature against those who seek to have a personal relationship with God/Jesus is here.

John 16:33
King James Version
33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

That tribulation means we are likely to die for our faith directly or indirectly. Great tribulation is for the rebellious and stifnecked who love this world soo much they do what they can to hold unto a normal life only to be faced with the only suffering that is left and its being martyred.

Add Pre to what Jesus said and its like the devil telling Adam and Eve they shall not surely die; when God said they will die.

The devil wants the opportunity to be able to kill everyone for their faith and he gets it because of the continued rebellion and stifneckedness of Gods people. We are not of this world but want to fit in.
pretribulation rapturenew world orderend times

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