Knowing the Times to Come
10 views • 01/09/2020
KosherTorah School of Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok

We are in a new year, and a new decade by secular measure, but this is not the proper measure of time, and energy.

Energy runs the universe. We are all subject to its movements, and its influences.

Without experiencing the flow of energy, we are, as if, blind and dumb, and unprepared to face the reality of the what be hard times to come.

Knowing how to experience is what real meditation, and for that matter, real Halakha, is all about.
This then is the meaning, and purpose of KosherTorah, and why our School is here for you!

You need to learn how to experience for yourself!
Check out our past courses, and consider joining one of my current ones.

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If you want to learn with us, then make the investment in our School,
and in yourself.
It will be one of the wisest investments you will ever make.

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