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Brotherly Love: Listen to James Sullivan (John's Brother) Tell a Proud Boy's Rally in Oregon That John Is With ANTIFA - Did CNN and the FBI Hear About This?
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Global Agenda
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Published 3 years ago
An interesting share by YouTube Channel 'Protester Privilege' who tells us that he has an archive of public speeches made by several antagonists, etc. He dug this one out of James Sullivan, the Brother of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Agent James Sullivan of UTAH who was arrested this week for helping incite the Congress Building Riots. The interesting aspect of this video is that James is a member of 'Proud Boys' and was speaking at a Proud Boys Rally in Portland, Oregon on September 26th, 2020. He tells the crowd that he is with a Chapter of Proud Boys in Salt Lake, City and then tells the crowd that his brother is a member of Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA. So there is a connection between those two extreme groups. He also says that his Brother was in Salt Lake City when a protester got shot last year. Trouble seems to follow John Sullivan around. Just ask his Brother.

Listen and watch @.28 James Sullivan tells the Proud Boys Rally that his Brother John Sullivan is ANTIFA @1:48 he say's that when Joe Biden said: "If you don't vote for me, you ain't black". John Sullivan then say's that Black's turned away and voted for Trump. Also @3:02 he say's that Black Lives Matter is NOT a movement for Black people. They only spread oppression and then he talks about how his brother became radicalized.

Related video:

James Sullivan, Brother of BLM Insurgent John Sullivan, Speaks at Proud Boy Rally in 2020
Protester Privilege
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