The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 121 - Roman "Slo - Mo" To Hell!
39 views • 9 months ago

In this video i want talk about the SLO MO holding pattern the Roman Catholic Cult has the whole world in, at the moment. Expect this CRAWL towards total FASCISM to continue while they work out their nefarious aims in DECEIVING the whole world into TAKING their mRNA vaccine MARK!

Before i get to that however let’s consider a few things.

For the Luciferian Jesuits this is the final stage of the Age of Ouroboros - the serpent that is renewing all things by eating its tail. To the New Age devotees controlled by the Jesuits it’s the Age of Aquarius and the beginning of a New Age of Man - a Golden Age where man solves all his problems. We are watching the rise of “man as god” controlling his own destiny without God. We are in the age of HUMANISM expressed as IDOLATRY at its highest level. The Golden Age Utopia will NOT transpire as promised. Instead people are entering a short period of LIVING HELL on EARTH!

Why am i talking about this? Why is it important?

Alchemy we are told is the ancient belief that base materials could be TRANSFORMED into gold. However that idea is just a cover for the REAL alchemy that Luciferians believe in which is the TRANSFORMATION of man into “gods” by not only rejoining male and female sexes into one androgynous being, both physically and spiritually BUT TRANSFORMING man’s GENETIC CODE into something OTHER - Into the image of Satan. Satan through his Jesuit minions is working hard to DESTROY God’s IMAGE in man and TRANSFORM mankind into his image by corrupting man’s DNA. The ONLY way Satan can do this is by INJECTING mRNA into the human body and thus into their cells which contain the ENGINE ROOM of LIFE - human DNA!

Right NOW Satan is busy TRANSFORMING mankind chemically and genetically into something other than God intended and he’s using the Jesuits to implement the program to get it done! As i’ve mentioned in previous videos i believe genetic manipulation was being practiced before the flood during the rule of Cain’s dynasty and it threatened the corruption and extinction of all life so God intervened and destroyed the lifeforms that had been corrupted. We have come FULL CIRCLE 4500 years later - the last “Ouroboros” cycle according to the Jesuits and we are back to a repeat of the Antediluvian DRAMA.


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