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Corona - The Film (US-Ut)
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Published 3 years ago
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The video platform Vimeo deleted OVALmedia's new documentary "CORONA.FILM ( - Prologue" on March 25, 2021 without warning.
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The film, which is rated by leading epidemiologists as one of the best cinematic reappraisals of the current corona crisis, is thus also no longer available for many paying customers. It remains an open question whether the film was deleted despite its previous success or precisely because of it. What is certain is that more than 100 videos from OVALmedia have also been taken offline with it. The entire Vimeo channel, which OVALmedia has operated for 10 years, was shut down without warning.
The company has decided to act in the face of this unprecedented attack on its existence. Today, the film is made available on various freer platforms. Instead of asking for a small contribution by means of a paywall, they now ask viewers directly for voluntary financial support. This is the only way they can recoup the expenses of making the film and, most importantly, continue to work on the cinematic reappraisal of the Corona Crisis.
To support them, click here: (
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Do you actually want to behave comatose and not stand up against it?
Away with your thinking support (TV, newspaper, etc.) and with family, neighbors and friends on the street!
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win!
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