Bureau of Land Reclamation Holds Back Water from Oregon Farms and Ranches.
104 views • 07/13/2021
Agenda 21 and Agenda 30 is running as planned. The U.S. Government through the Bureau of Land Reclamation is still refusing to release the water paid for by the farmers to the Klamath Irrigation District to irrigate their crops. Ty Kliewer a member of the Klamath Irrigation District discusses the situation. Crops are dying, fish are dying and the wetlands are being destroyed, as the government continues its 30 year crusade to save one species of fish and does irreputable damage to the wetland in the area and cause other endangered species to die or migrate.
This appears to be an attempt to progress the United Nations Agenda to reduce the food and water supply, f9orcing farmers off the land, and to control the people of the world while decreasing the population of the world by 90%.
In the Klamath water district 400 wells are already dry, leaving people without water just like in California. Lake Meade is also drying up due to releasing water for no reason, Las Vegas gets 90% of its water from lake Meade/ This is a situation that has now screeched from Oregon to Oklahoma. It is coming to you soon if the people responsible are not stopped. If you like the show, please, like and share. Below is a list of all the stations we air our show on.
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