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The Vision New Host Sherri Lynn, Devolution 13, Trump Card must watch!
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Published 2 years ago
The Vision New Host Sherri Lynn, Devolution 13, Trump Card must watch!
U night America, Learn Our Real History, Shake Off Tyranny, Stop Government Control, Go To
We The People learn how we came come together. Learn our true History, we have been lied to! Do it the right and just way with our real Constitution and bill of rights! Free classes and lets unite the way our For-fathers did and take back America, Protect Our Children and Grand Children they are all precious in our sight and in God Our Father's Sight! We will all stand accountable if we let America and our Freedoms, Liberty and the right to life! Go To and lets stand together county by county! State by state of these United States free men, under our God Given Natural Laws, God given ten commandments! We are the second Isreal this is the promise land that is what I believe God showed me.
Everyone ask me what they can do to stop the steal of America and this is our History, we must learn our Constitution and We the People must rise and take back our Freedoms!
* Natural Law - "Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great COMMANDMENT. Second - Thou shall Love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Matt. 22:37-40

* We pray for strength, wisdom and protection for our military, soldiers, Police, and all that are helping those under attack all over the world, in this war on humanity. We Pray for President Trump and all our Godly Jesus believing leaders of America and the world for wisdom and spiritual knowledge to lead us with God through the battles with deliverance and understanding. Restore this Republic back to you Lord Jesus. These United States are one Nation under God in Jesus name with liberty and justice for us all! Help us all to come into one mind and one accord in Jesus name. United we stand but divided we fall. We must stand and fight the good fight of Faith! When there is nothing left to do, we must stand on that rock of our Salvation!
Saints in Christ Jesus, we must stand in Jesus name and say no more! Start sharing the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. We need to lead others to Christ. “For God so loved the world, that He gave us His only begotten Son (Jesus) that who so ever believe in Him (Jesus) will have eternal life!” We Praise you Lord, In Thanksgiving we Praise You!
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God Bless,
Sherri Lynn
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