Radical Truth #52 - Climate Change, Gang Rape & Islam
77 views • 12/10/2021

What is the relationship between climate change, gang rape and Islam? We'll share predictions about the future, along with some Islamic history, and then connect the dots with news about current events. As usual, we’ll present the SOLUTION as well.

Resources mentioned in this episode:

1) Video: “The Killing Fields” https://www.bitchute.com/video/zFemPjwCrUKW/

2) Book: “The Origins of the Islamic State” https://amzn.to/309T7VU

3) Book: “The Sword of Allah” https://amzn.to/309So78

4) Video: “Lights Out: When Islam Rules America” https://www.bitchute.com/video/mYh8hN2e6lj4/

Website: https://www.radicaltruth.net

Donate: https://www.radicaltruth.net/donate

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