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Dr. Eugene Schroder Clearly Explains The Fraud Of War And Emergency Powers - A Special Report, 1994
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Published 3 years ago
This video is tantamount to a pre-1963 graduate school course in "The Face of Modern Tyranny." Buckle up... a whole lot of old fashion research went into this 'cause the boys at the old Baptist Church there in Campo were readers and thinkers, who didn't mind having a radio on in the milk barn, but didn't care too much for TV.

"In 1933 the U.S. Congress declared a "serious national emergency" due to the financial crisis caused by the Federal Reserve contraction of the currency that resulted in what history calls the Great Depression. Roosevelt then invoked constitutional war powers by declaring war on that emergency. This national emergency situation has been in effect ever since then. President Donald Trump has used the same nonsensical rhetoric to declare war on a "Hidden Enemy" in the phony Coronavirus pandemic of 2020. Duping the American public this way is a means of providing flimsy plausible rationale to create new monetary debt on future generations by borrowing from the Federal Reserve to sustain dictatorial presidential powers with an unaccountable bureaucracy run by the executive branch of government. Under this deceptive system, the God-given rights that the U.S. Constitution guarantees are abrogated and subverted to support a corrupt aristocracy subsisting on the redistribution of wealth created by productive, hard-working people. American freedom is illusory make-believe until change is demanded by an aroused public. Then congress must be forced to issue a bona fide currency consisting of non-interest bearing tax credit U.S. Treasury certificates to phase out the usurious Federal Reserve System that has created an ever-increasing debt that can never be extinguished. All of the information in this report can be verified as current law.

Notes: 12 USC 95a and 95b have been reclassified under 50 USC. 48 Stat. 1, Pub. L. 73-1 was amended by 91 Stat. 162, Pub.L. 95-223 (IEEPA) also codified under 50 USC, so that only during time of war (congressionally and constitutionally declared or not) does the president have the powers explained by Dr. Schroder in this report. That is why there has to always be some kind of war invoked by the president under permanent national emergency and incident war powers to maintain the de facto federal government in place of de jure constitutional government. Here is a link to a transcript with commentary of this video by the author.
lawnational emergencywar powers

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