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Published a year ago

I'm not the best teacher. And it's hard to do on video. Im a master Grower with a background in high production, high yield, problem mitigation, mediums, nutrient programs, etc. The idea here is to push the plant in veg stage to an early flower stage so it can mature at an earlier date so you can get it off the vine actually faster. Possibly even get some size on whatever it is and then ripen it yourself with ethylene if you had to. This idea here is to solve a "how do I grow food "faster" scenerios. For whatever reason. There may be some serious heat issues this summer and it may be pertinent to get your crops done and out fast as possible.  Just saying. People wanna know how to actually grow food faster with the results you want, flipping them into flower ahead of time is one of the only ways to do it. So you still get mature results in less time. A short powerful veg stage straight into fruit set at 11-11 1/2 hours sunlight promoted by MAP or KPgos to promote the flower set right away will cut down the harvest time 2-3 weeks. For most fruiting plants. Not all but, most. Hit meeeeeee! [email protected] 


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