⛔Exposing Anti-Christ Teachers: Part 3 - Escape From Babylon
38 views • 01/05/2023

Now, many people I talk to tell me that church just doesn’t feel right anymore, that something is off and it’s hard to put their finger on it. It just seems wrong. That is the Holy Spirit warning you. Maybe you have felt the same way. You might have been members of a church most of your life, but recently something has changed- what was once unthinkable, has now become commonplace. You might even be able to point out some Anti-Christ teachers in your mist. Well, this is exactly what is happening. The Churches are becoming infiltrated by workers of darkness. But I promise you, the infiltration started in your conference offices first, and has trickled down. We should not be surprised; this has been going on since the very beginning. It started right after Jesus ascended into Heaven, then plays out in the book of Acts. It hasn’t stopped, and it won’t stop, until His soon return. The difference is that the demonic deception is not hiding anymore. They boldly proclaim their rebellion against God and claim they are obeying God’s will. They are teaching the lie for truth and subjecting the masses to a constant assault of error. Convincing the hearers that the “denomination” is the church of God: when it is the Body of Christ that is the true Church. There is no need to continue to support the rotting core of fake Christianity. For all you are supporting are those ensuring your demise. Either you’re influencing the church for good, or being influenced by it. You have to decide which one it is and act accordingly. If there is hope for reformation and God wants you there to support that, then obey. But if you’re riding a dead horse, then find new avenues and new paths in the work of God. There is no such thing as a perfect Church. Yet, there are churches trying their best to stand for God and are forsaking sin in all its forms. Do not support a church that is winking at sin, accepting sin, and encouraging it through their silence. Time is short: Flee from the Babylon system! #AntiChrist #Jesus #FalseDoctrine #Church #Faith #Prophecy

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