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Dr Vladimir ZELENKO: “Don't walk into a gaz chamber and take Zyklon V, V for vaccine!”
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Published 3 years ago
July 23rd, 2021 : DR Vladimir ZELENKO WARNS: "Don't Take the Poison Death Shot" (Full Interview)

1h04'03" (extract on Health Ranger Report : :
Practically, how do we save people from going forward?
There are two components here.
One is we have to stop the emergency, we have to stop people from dying unnecessarily and two, hang the people who caused it.
But the people who caused it, hanging them will come after we stop people from dying.
And there is two simple things that people have to know:
One, stay away from a poison death shot, do not take a vaccine that has no medical necessary, that has no efficacy, and that is extremely dangerous! So first, don't kill yourself! Don't walk into a gaz chamber and take zyklon-V, V for vaccine! Don't do it!
And then, step number two, is that if you do get checked, and you fall into the "high risk" category, then you have to start treatment within day one or two or three, and you will be fine. That is it! That's as simple as it gets!
The false narrative has created a global panic, that has, the real weapon, of covid-19, is the global fear, that has been introduced, and then the fear is used to motivate and manipulate human behavior into a course of actions, such as, running, in a irrational way, to vaccinate their children.
You want to talk about child sacrifice and human sacrifice?
The likelihood of children to die from covid-19 is one on a million.
The recovery rate is 99.998% with no treatment! According to the CDC.
Why the Hell would I vaccinate a demographic that has near 100% recovery rate where it's safer than influenza with a poison death shot? And the answer is to sacrifice the children! Or whatever the rationnal is. But it's not for medical reasons.
An other question: why would I vaccinate someone who has natural immunity? Or someone that had covid? Now they have antibodies.
Everyone agrees that natural immunity is a hundred times more effective than vaccine induced immunity. Why would I then inject that demographic with a poison death shot?
Or someone in a highest group, if you treat them appropriately you reduced the chance of dying to less than half a percent.
If every single human being on the planet had covid, and was not treated, the death rate in the population is less than half a percent.
If everyone is treated like Bill Gates said last year, seven billion people are gonna need to be vaccinated, do you know what the estimates are of the global death rate potentially?
If you listen to Luke Montagne, who won the Nobel prize of medicine, you know what he says, he is very concerned, or the Dr Michael Yeadon, former Vice President of Pfizer, he says for everyone child who dies of covid 50 will die from the vaccine.
If you look at what Dr Malone, who invented the technology at Salk Institute in the late eighties, and all the patterns for the mRNA vaccine technology, he's telling "don't take it! Its' too dangerous!".
So who the hell under those circumstances would give this to anyone?
The two countries that have most vaccinated in the world, Israel, and island nation called Seychelles and in Indian Ocean, both of them (they have already 80% vaccination) are experiencing outbreaks of the Delta variant, and the South African variant. So why should we do a third shot? There is an answer: it's not a medical response.

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