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Content being attacked on Brighton. Know where you're at folks. Proof. Right here
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Published a year ago

So does Brighton just ADD views to some people the way they take them away from others? Lol. That's all I wanna know :) So, yeah, it's a personal thing but it ought to concern you as well that your on a platform that alters the truth. Period. That pushes some narratives and buries others. ALL THE TIME, CONSTANTLY. And here's some proof. All ya gotta do is look. It's impossible to have no views and 5 likes. Lol. Apparently the likes come from people so maybe they're not erased? Dunno but, here's the evidence. Eezy peezy. And when I said something about it yesterday, it got worse. Literally taking views from the vids I published yesterday. Anyway, that's happening. 

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