Miracle Healings from Mt. Shasta! Cosmic Messages for the Ascension :-)
33 views • 06/06/2023

Hello Friends! On this Out of this World Radio Show, I discuss the fabulous and amazind healings at Mt.Shasta in Northern California where people have had their eyesite and hearing healed and restored. I will be returning to Mt. Shasta this coming summer and I hope you can come along! The cost is just $250 per person and includes free camping. See: I then interview Vicki Turnbull of Cosmic Awareness with messages from the great masters on our Ascension! See: She has been receiving messages for the last 60 years on helping humanity with the ascension and I hope you can all listen to this wonderful and inspiring radio show! We also discuss over 100 laws of cosmic law on love, patience, gratitude and many other subjects for humanity. I hope you can all listen to this important and profound program! With lots of love and light, For a planet that's happy and bright, Ted, Out of this World Radio,

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