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** THE NWO AT WARP SPEED ** There May Still Be HOPE For Humanity’s Salvation - Alex Jones
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Published 4 years ago
** (INFOWARS) Alex Jones - Our Bill of Rights, Constitution and Due Process are dying at warp speed. Medical tyranny is coming down on us at warp speed. This is the NWO (New World Order) at warp speed.
The ultimate goal of the NSA (National Security Agency) is total population control. Now we have the rollout to track, trace and watch everything you do with citizen brigades being set up by the UN (United Nations) directive. Rather that the FDA it’s the UN telling what our doctors can do. The UN is now our god, when they say jump you say how high.
President Trump stated “I think we are going to have a vaccine by the end of the year, we’re doing well with the vaccine, and I will tell you we are mobilizing the military and other forces on the basis that when we do have a vaccine we are going to be able to give it a lot of people very very rapidly”.
I have a lot of problems with that. If that is what Trump wants to do then I will be forced to move that he be removed from the populace train politically. Trump is not on the Trump train it’s a populace pro-human train. With that said I know what Trump is doing. Trump finally figured out that Fauci’s Deep State, with Bill and Melinda Gates and the UN, is undermining everything, exaggerating the death numbers by adding all these people that died of other things onto the list has all been confirmed. They even tell you they are doing that in the fine print. They are hiding it in plain view.
He’s using a sophisticated psychological warfare tactic that makes them, the Deep State, drop the topic. He’s being advised by some very smart people. It’s a very dangerous game because he’s endorsing the topic even though he’s killing the measure. He knows that blue states and cities are going to come out with their own vaccines and have people sign forms that wave their rights to sue.
President Trump knows the UN will come out with the vaccine so he is stepping up and endorsing the topic by indicating he’ll have the military do it thereby killing the measure which will avert the implementation of the Clinton Global Initiative with a board consisting of George Soros, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton, and Bill and Melinda Gates who are already recruiting Contact Tracers through The Initiative will seek funding from city, county, state and federal source HR 6666 for their Contact Tracer recruits, through the National Contact Tracing Corps, who will literally come to your house. (see Greg Reese article below)
They are using Contact Tracer Recruits to mobilize Maoist forces under the guise of heroes enforcing social distancing. President Trump has sidelined Fauci and the Coronavirus Task Force, and has usurped their whole game by saying the military will carry this out. Six months is a hundred years and people (Goldfish) will forget about it.
It’s a very dangerous Machiavelli tactic and I don’t like it. But I can see what he is doing.
** Greg Reese: Dems try to sneak nationalized healthcare into coronavirus response
The Clinton Foundation is working with Leftist Governors to create a ‘National Contact Tracing Corps’
A National Plan to Enable Comprehensive COVID-19 Case Finding and Contact Tracing in the US
Executive Summary:
In order to save lives, reduce COVID-19’s burden on our healthcare system, ease strict social distancing measures, and confidently make progress toward returning to work
and school, the United States must implement a robust and comprehensive system to identify all COVID-19 cases and trace all close contacts of each identified case. It is estimated that each infected person can, on average, infect 2 to 3 others. This means that if 1 person spreads the virus to 3 others, that first positive case can turn into more than 59,000 cases in 10 rounds of infections.
COVID-19 is already spreading through communities across the United States. Therefore, a case-based intervention approach (employed routinely for diseases like TB,
measles, sexually transmitted infections, and Ebola) will be impossible to achieve for COVID-19 without a new national initiative that combines a massive expansion of rapid diagnostic tests in every community with an unprecedented growth in a public health workforce and adoption of new technologies dedicated to case identification and contact
tracing in each state.
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