Top Doctor Blows The Whistle, Admits Vaccinated Are Developing Full Blown AIDS
673 views • 4 months ago

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A world renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist has blown the whistle, revealing that staggering numbers of vaccinated people around the world are now being diagnosed HIV positive.

During a recent interview, Dr. Peter McCullough warned that a grand total of nine peer-reviewed studies have recently warned that the experimental Covid mRNA vaccines are causing a huge spike in the number of positive HIV tests in heavily vaccinated countries around the world.

But McCullough clarified that the jabs do not give people HIV – the situation for the vaccinated is actually worse than even that.

As McCullough explained, the positive HIV diagnoses are actually caused by the vaccinated suffering extreme immunodeficiency.

You would think the mainstream media would accept this is a sign there is something very wrong with the Covid mRNA roll-out. But rather than report on the nine peer-reviewed medical research articles, which were all published in prestigious journals, the mainstream media is attempting to sweep the information about mRNA under the carpet and continue the great cover up of this crime against humanity.

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