The Many Crimes Of Israel
47 views • 7 months ago

Judge Andrew Napolitano interviews Scott Ritter regarding the possibility of Israeli war crimes having been committed during its occupation of the Palestinian lands.

<8:30 caption re hospital>

The report of the Israeli hospital bombing appears to be false. There was a bombing in a car park near the hospital, but this is alleged to have been done by a Palestinian Off-shoot group.

Video Source:

Judging Freedom with Judge Andrew Napolitano

Special Guest - Scott Ritter

Former United States Marine Corps intelligence officer and former United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM) weapons inspector.

Closing Theme Music:

'A World In Trouble' by David Fesliyan

Fesliyan Studios


NOTE: There is no connection between Judge Napolitano, Scott Ritter, or Fesliyan Studios and this channel.

pce sun19:44

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