Rev. 2-3 We can and must overcome the ways of men if we do not want to be destroyed on the great and terrible day of the Lord
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Satan, while pretending to be God 2 Thess. 2:3-4 rules over the Kingdoms of men by convincing us that the subjective truth and pseudo-science morality of men is just as good as the ways of God.

The ways of men include All wars and red flag events, chemical weapons, biological weapons, nuclear weapons, digital and psychological warfare, human trafficking, murdering, and drinking the blood of children. Evil men are no longer afraid or ashamed to give us their moral agenda for 2030, which includes getting the world's population down to 500 million, banning gas stoves, beef, single-family dwellings, private ownership of cars, and small towns in favor of 15-minute cities, all of which they are already acting on by importing agents across the border and setting them in place to take action. With the help of Satan and other demons, they would certainly succeed, except. Just like at the first coming of the ways of God, we can and must now overcome the ways of men Rev. 2, 3.

The Lord warned Job that men would have to patiently endure the suffering of Satan's rule over the kingdoms of men until the first and now the second coming of the ways of God James 5:7-11.

The second coming of the ways of God is at hand Rev. 22:20.

One faith from God Christianity, the Royal Law of Agape love -the Bible of Christianity and the Kingdom will be fully restored in 43 years along with all spiritual blessings in Christ and peace on earth and agape love for all.

Satan ruled over the kingdoms of men for 6,000 years, divided into two ages. Christ ruled over the Kingdom of Heaven for 1,000 years, divided into two ages. There is a 43-year transition from the kingdoms of men to the Kingdom of heaven. The Bible describes this as the end times or the last days of the kingdoms of men.

The second coming of the Sword of the Spirit, the Bible in part, is back in these last days Heb. 1:2; 1 Cor. 13:9-12; Matt. 10:34, and the first thing it tells us is that Satan, the man of sin 2 Thess. 2:3-4, the AntiChrist, The second horseman of the apocalypse pretends to be God, a fallen messenger of light, a lizard person, an alien on the far side of the moon, or whatever to convince us that Christ does not have all authority. Further, he whispers in our ears that the Bibles, preaching, religions, and doctrines of men are just as good, if not better than the ways of God.

The Lord has been stepping back hiding, His face, power, glory, majesty, Bible, and the 6,000-year-old simulated universe that appears older so we could learn from the school of hard knocks how desperately we need the ways of God to save us from ourselves.


The Bible's wisdom from below brings death and suffering to Gen. 2:17-4:12, but the ways of God bring blessings, happiness, salvation, and freedom. The belief that the subjective truth and pseudo-science preaching, bibles, kingdoms, religions, and morality of men can bring us peace is insanity that Satan, while pretending to be God convinces us to believe. The end times or the last days is a 43-year transition from the kingdoms of men to the kingdom of Heaven. WE ARE IN THE LAST DAYS.

At the first coming of the Lord, the seven churches of Asia Minor had to overcome the ways of men just like we do - the first of which was that the preaching of men on love is just as good, if not better than the preaching of Christ on agape love!

t is time for those whom the Lord has called to stop contradicting the Prince of Peace. We can now be involved in the second age of the great commission and take the gospel of peace to the world!


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