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Small Asteroid Impact Nov.2 2020- 2 Metric Tons
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Planet Zedta
842 Subscribers
Published 4 years ago
Okay, this fella shows a very close encounter, or even a potential impact of a fairly large asteroid in the future, as in around November 2020. His information does not support the other guy whose videos I posted, that is predicting a 'storm' of asteroids in September 2020, but does support the idea of at least one coming in within a few short months.

This is interesting, since somewhere between the two of them, one with 'insider' information and the other using NASA modeling programs, must be the truth of it all. It looks like, on the first glance, that we are approaching some sort of astronomical event, coming soon, the severity of which, is not being reliably and unmistakably reveled.

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