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FCG Church Personalized Weekly Proclamation: Psalm 78:5-7 Sabbath Day Prayer, 20230304
Published a year ago

Personalized Weekly Proclamation: Psalm 78:5-7

Sabbath 7th Day of the Week Prayer, 20230304

(by Pastor Joshua Sampong, FCG Church HQ, USA)

O my Gracious, Merciful, Heavenly, Glorious, and Almighty Father! Hallowed be Your Blessed Name. Thank You for the substitutionary death that Your Begotten SON, my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ completed on Calvary’s Cross in order to pay for my sins and redeem me.


5 You established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a Holy Law in Israel, which You commanded our fathers, that they should fearfully obey You, in Exodus 19 and subsequent chapters in the Wilderness of Sinai.

6 That the generation to come might know and reverently obey Your Holy Scriptures, our children who would be born, that they may arise and declare Your Gospel of Salvation, Faith, and Truth to their children.

7 That our children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren may set their Hope and Anchor in the Atoning Blood-Bought Exemption Rights awarded to us by our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ, and not forget Your JEHOVAH JIREH’s recorded miracles, but keep Your Commandments and enjoy Eternal Life! Amen!

Thank You Heavenly Father for answering my prayers in the Blessed Name and Righteousness of my LORD and Savior Jesus Christ! Amen! (Psalm 78:5-7, personalized, NKJV).

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As servant leaders, First Century Gospel Church is compassionately inspired by GOD's Holy Spirit to offer Scriptural advice and counsel to those who contact us about their questions, and to present their requests for prayer in humility to GOD's Throne of Grace and Mercy for answer and deliverance through the Power in the Blessed Name, Atoning Sacrifice, Blood-Bought Rights, and Righteousness of our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ!  Amen! (Matthew 10:1, 28:19-20; Mark 11:22-24, 16:17-18; James 5:13-18).

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childreneternal lifegodtestimonyjehovahwildernessrightsfathersgenerationworshipsabbathbloodobeyexemptionhopeobediencecommandmentsprotectborndeclaresinaigrandchildrenholy scripturesgospel of salvationatoning

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