JR Nyquist interview: China planning to launch attack on America "in a matter of months"
239351 views • 06/10/2021
JR Nyquist: China may initiate a war to prevent major unrest among its people

Interviewed by Mike Adams, JR Nyquist talked about the Biden administration’s decision to follow Trump’s line and distance itself from China. He related that there are 27 Chinese companies on Pentagon’s list that may be sanctioned. According to Nyquist, the way it has been described to him is that it is the beginning of the end of America’s financial relationship with China.

Nyquist also talked about China’s massive infiltration of the Pentagon and the U.S. political and financial systems that’s been building up for the last half-century. He said one of the infiltration techniques involves luring American officials to Chinese projects by offering bribe money and giving favors. When China decides to attack, those officials will be compromised and forced to help cover it up. Nyquist mentioned Anthony Fauci as an example, saying that the NIAID director knew perfectly well that the coronavirus is a biological weapon.

He proceeded to discuss China’s inability to feed itself and the possibility that it will initiate a war with an external enemy to prevent major unrest among its 1.4 billion people. Adams said it reminds him of World War II, when the U.S. threatened to crush Japan’s economy with an oil embargo that led to the latter’s attack on Pearl Harbor.

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