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Report 237 | Alison McDowell on The Greater Danger: The Global Biosecurity State, Human Capital Investing, and Total Spectrum Techno Enslavement
112 views • 03/04/2021
Empowering and wide-ranging conversation with Alison McDowell, deep researcher into current and planned finance/surveillance management scenarios involving the complete and full-spectrum takeover of human bodies, human spaces, and human existence through an enmeshed mix of nanotechnologies, surveillance modalities, robotics, AI, and co-opted communities in all arenas of human endeavor, including education, sciences, arts, targeting humans from womb to grave for continuous revenue creation for oligarchs via involuntary brain and body monitoring, neuro/wifi behavior modification paired with predatorial financial creations such as hedge fund betting, social impact investing, and other concoctions designed to use, exploit, manage, and handle human lives and labor.
The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the futures market and Agenda 21/2030's sustainable development goals are all intended apparently to turn humans into thoroughbreds at the Kentucky Derby, where the hat-wearing barons get to bet on the legginess of the equines, that is, the neurodegraded, eternally monitored homo sapiens, nanobotized to the hilt (with mRNA creations-at-tip-of-a-syringe ) and dependent in circles on "communitarian" enterprises contrived to watch, brush, feed, and employ them from prior-to-cradle to well-beyond-grave via blockchained avatars, digital twinning, and EEG Cloning: welcome to Techno Enslavement aka "Humans 2.0" or what Schwab & co. would call "Biosecurity" for the Billionaires.
Read more of Alison's impressive work at her blog:
A sample map on social welfare in the UK from Alison:
Stay tuned for further conversations and unpacking of the End of the World as we know it, from a master seer of all sides of this incredible dystopia!
And please do explore further and start educating others on what is being planned so people know which side of the aisle they'd like to turn into--Total Spectrum Management & Life-in-Restraints-Forever or Escape, Freedom, Liberty, Humanity outside this predatorial construct.
Subscribe to Ramola D Reports also at Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry to follow all interviews, reports, and info-talks.
The Great Reset, the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the futures market and Agenda 21/2030's sustainable development goals are all intended apparently to turn humans into thoroughbreds at the Kentucky Derby, where the hat-wearing barons get to bet on the legginess of the equines, that is, the neurodegraded, eternally monitored homo sapiens, nanobotized to the hilt (with mRNA creations-at-tip-of-a-syringe ) and dependent in circles on "communitarian" enterprises contrived to watch, brush, feed, and employ them from prior-to-cradle to well-beyond-grave via blockchained avatars, digital twinning, and EEG Cloning: welcome to Techno Enslavement aka "Humans 2.0" or what Schwab & co. would call "Biosecurity" for the Billionaires.
Read more of Alison's impressive work at her blog:
A sample map on social welfare in the UK from Alison:
Stay tuned for further conversations and unpacking of the End of the World as we know it, from a master seer of all sides of this incredible dystopia!
And please do explore further and start educating others on what is being planned so people know which side of the aisle they'd like to turn into--Total Spectrum Management & Life-in-Restraints-Forever or Escape, Freedom, Liberty, Humanity outside this predatorial construct.
Subscribe to Ramola D Reports also at Bitchute, Brighteon, Lbry to follow all interviews, reports, and info-talks.
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