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Dr Jennifer Daniels - Medical System Failed Us, Time to Get Well; Healing with Turpentine, Detoxing, Bowel Cleansing & Castor Oil on OneRadioNetwork with Patrick Timpone (03.28.17)
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Published 2 years ago
Show Highlights:
-Turpentine heals all body parts.
-Pine trees are a magical, sacred tree.
-Fungus on the toe nails. If nail is crusted and very hard, soak for half a day in honey, vinegar, and salt to soften, rub off the crud to make the nail accessible; then apply turpentine to the nail. Toe nail fungus is an indicator of fungus in other parts of the body, but the body uses the feet as a disposal system and eventually feet will form a crust.
-Dangers of overalkalinizing. Doctors presume any problem in the body is from too much acid.
-Heartburn is a mechanical problem. The valve between esophagus and stomach is not closing, then normal pH stomach acid goes up the esophagus and burns it, causing heartburn. If the intestine is overstuffed, the volume of stuff will cause the valve to open. Parasites can also open the valve and leave it open.
-Dr. Daniels first turpentine show is ORN’s most-listened-to show. Strongest medicine was the medicine used by the slaves, which was turpentine. 100% pure gum spirits.
-Turpentine stuns the bugs and quickly repairs cell membranes and the damage the bugs have done to you. Get an increased functioning of cells, leading to increased feelings of well being.
-How to fix a hernia.
-How much water to drink?
-The politics of medical licensing boards.
-To dissolve clots or pulmonary emboli, mix ¼ cup apple cider vinegar and 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper, take ½ tsp to 1 tsp. every single hour when awake, with lots of water.
-Loss of sense of taste is a nerve problem. Fix the brain with a better class of foods to restore taste.
-Listener was overweight and had bloating problems. Top abs have split apart and have a 22 inch gap between them. Condition is called diastasis of the rectus of the abdominal muscles.
-58 yo diabetic with scrotal and penile swelling. If it’s not painful to touch, it’s not an infection, antibiotics not needed. Swelling is from blocked lymphatics. Fix the diabetes.
-How to resolve cataracts. Put a pea-sized piece of Vicks VapoRub in the eye. Use enemas to pull out impurities. Increase water. Cataract is from the body putting impurities in the lens of the eye. Glaucoma is from clogged trabeculae (filter) of the eye.
-Hospital makes 5-10 times as much when the patient dies compared to the patient leaving alive.
-In US, $9,000 per capita for medical care. $1,000 per capita in Russia, China, India. The government forces medical care in the US.
-Apply castor oil topically once a day to remove visible veins. Add coffee grounds to castor oil and massage legs with it.
-Sinus infections – Use Neti pot. Mix 1 quart water, 2 tsp salt, heat to 104-110. Make garlic tea with 2 cloves, 2 cups water, simmer for 10 minutes, strain. Add 2 tsp garlic tea to the salted water. Use neti pot enough times to use up the full quart. Also Vicks Vaporub on forehead and over sinuses.
-Sluggish gallbladder – caused by dehydration and constipation. Sauerkraut juice will clear out sludge. Explains how digestion works.
-Is ACV, honey, and water good to drink? Yes, it’s a detergent and loosens up gunk.
-Why is even raw, pastured milk, unpasteurized, and unhomogenized, bad to drink?
-Gout – caused by a heavy protein diet. Reduce protein in diet, get the liver and kidney working. Increase water acid to keep uric acid from crystalizing. Vitality Capsules helpful.
-Listener has heart palpitations and squeezing around the heart. Chiropractic adjustment helped. EKG is negative. One type of palpitation is faster and abnormal beats, other type is more vigorous beats. Increase water intake. B Vitamin deficiency induced by spaghetti, bread, desserts, sugars.
-Donating blood to reduce iron stores is beneficial. But ask why would your iron be high? Reason to not donate is you don’t know what’s in the needles they’re using.
-Reducing knee pain from injury. Use knee brace as needed. Alternate hot and cold compresses. Put turpentine on 2-3x/day. Take gelatin.
-Does turpentine work to remove age spots?
-Apple cider vinegar and cayenne – is it safe for a person having a heart attack and on blood thinners? If they’re on blood thinners and having a clot, the blood thinners aren’t working. Stop them.
-Reversing diabetes – download Candida Cleanser report.
-Lung cancer? 100% organic raw food diet help. Dairy or dairy product is worse thing for lungs.
-Dr. Daniels’ perfect vegan diet was making her tired. If you’re sick, it’s the wrong diet for you. She added meat.
-Reversing cavities – brush teeth with baking soda and salt, include more gelatin and collagen. Get resin/epoxy to apply to the cavity. Patrick likes MI Paste to help calcify areas of tooth weakness.
-Can sickle cell anemia be cured?
-Why are processed foods fortified with B vitamins?
-Metformin – good or bad?
-There is no vaccine or injection Dr. Daniels recommends. Milk tea – good for producing breast milk for breast feeding.
and more!
parasitesblood clotsknee paindmsoheartburnurine therapygallbladderherniacavitiescataractspine pollendr jennifer danielsturpentinegoutvitality capsulespatrick timponeantacidstoe fungusalkalinizingpulmonary embolivericose veinsageusiahigh ironreversing diabetessicle cell anemia

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