Was The Great Wall Of China Built By Rome? This Is An Absolutely STUNNING Revelation!
117 views • 10/19/2023

In the past - Jason of Archaix - had a suspicion about the Great Wall of China.

His chronological studies unveiled too many odd parallels and Martin Liedtke helped break open this mystery with his wealth of old photos and insights.

Max Igan watched our presentation and was enthralled and within hours Max was showing me Google Earth photos that blew my mind.

What Martin and Jason theorized about the end of the Great Wall going into the water of the Yellow Sea being where ships unloaded cargo and then merchandise was shuttled down the wall into the interior.

Max proved with the high altitude photos...ancient stone docks that could unload a hundred ships at a time are clearly visible. The Amazon of the ancient world was a Roman operation in China.

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