** What Really Happened During Special Operation Forces Raid of CIA Server Facility in Frankfurt? **
1608 views • 12/24/2020
** What Really Happened In Franfurt? – Forbidden Knowledge
Forbidden Knowledge, Alexandra Bruce – 24/Dec/2020
Video & Article: ** What Really Happened In Franfurt?
** Thomas Wictor recently switched from a podcast format to a slide show format, in his never-ending quest to boost our morale.
Although you don't realize this at the beginning, this piece is about the November 10th Special Operations Forces raid of the CIA hacking center at the US Consulate in Frankfurt, Germany, which he suggests had been planned since 2017 and which was led by the now-Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller.
Shockingly, Mike Pence was apparently involved, based on the emotional statements made by Miller, seen here during the first time they were permitted to speak with one another after the mission.
Miller refers to the "The most complex military operations this country has ever conducted," and he thanks Pence for his leadership and his mentorship. (What? Mike Pence?)
Wictor then explains that Special Forces is about more than just the most physically-fit and best-trained warriors on the planet. Since 2017, it has developed initiatives to use battlefield evidence in criminal justice prosecutions, creating what Wictor describes as the Gold Standard of evidence-gathering, especially of digital intelligence, which is not what typically comes to mind when one thinks of USSOCOM.
He briefs us on such an operation, declassified in 2016, in which a target server was located and how Special Forces created a wireless network near the building housing the server, allowing them to do a communications sweep all of the data from the devices connected to the server and to broadcast all of that data to a nearby military aircraft. He says it may have involved equipment we've never heard of, like a swarm of nanodrones that could have done all of this work while surrounding the building.
Wictor then asks, "Can you see now why the Delta Force DID NOT seize any servers in Germany? It wasn't necessary."
Moreover, if the Dominion Voting Systems at any point connected to the Internet, that means the NSA has it. They have EVERYTHING, every cell phone text, call, email, video, vote switching, EVERYTHING!

** Trump chooses declassification option to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors
Natural News, Mike Adams – 23/Dec/2020
-- Today’s Situation Update (for Dec. 23rd) reveals how Trump appears to have chosen the “declassification” option to expose Joe Biden and the deep state traitors. But with InfoWars now reporting that Trump has been utterly abandoned by nearly all White House staff, is there anyone remaining to carry out Trump’s declassification orders?
Here’s what you’ll learn in today’s Situation Update:
• More rumors of C-17 transport planes arriving in Nevada.
• Rumors that Trump will speak to America on Christmas Day.
• Trump appoints Ezra Cohen-Watnick to Chairperson of the Public Interest Declassification Board, which is responsible for deciding which documents get declassified. Watnick is known to be an ally of Gen. Michael Flynn and Trump. (
• Trump signs new memorandum to allow John Durham and any new special counsel to use classified documents with grand juries in order to seek new criminal indictments against deep state players. This order would also apply to Sidney Powell if she is appointed special counsel in the coming days. (
• Joe Biden was involved in the 2016 spygate / FISA warrant scandal and may be exposed in the coming document dumps.
• Wisconsin judge testifies that over 200,000 votes were illegal and invalid in that state.
• Join the march in D.C. on January 6th. Trump says, “It’s gonna be wild!”
• National File reports that the White House has released an internal memo essentially compelling VP Pence to act today, rejecting the electoral votes from states that carried out fraudulent, unconstitutional elections.
• Georgia lawmakers move to certify their own election.
• Arizona lawmakers are working to certify Trump as the true winner.
• Patrick Byrne reveals Trump is just one signature away from unleashing a powerful solution.
• Trump meets with multiple members of Congress to discuss a Jan. 6th solution.
• Giuliani says a big revelation is coming about fraud in Georgia.
Listen to the full podcast here:
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