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Are We the Bad Guys?
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The New American
2338 Subscribers
Published 4 months ago

The global conspiracy for a one-world government is the most diabolical and anti-human scheme we’ve ever faced. It’s been generations in the works, and many of the people and organizations behind it are based in the United States. Furthermore, America is fueling the meat grinder that is the Ukraine-Russia war, we have carried out unknown number of covert operations in countries all over the world, we funded the research that created Covid-19, and we are exporting warped and degenerate social trends all over the world. So are we the “bad guys”? The New American’s Executive Senior Editor Steve Bonta and John Birch Society CEO Bill Hahn join Paul Dragu to explore this sobering question. They begin by defining the global conspiracy. 

Conversation time stamps: 

@ 13:29 | Who is “we”? 

@ 26:20 | There have always been “bohemians” (wokesters), but until now they’ve never been in charge 

@ 32:50 | We bear some responsibility 

@ 35:08 | We’re too nice 

@ 38:00 | If people would’ve listened to the JBS, American would be different 


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